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Hello There. This is CodeX.

CodeX hackathon is a meeting place for developers, designers and other techies, teaming up and creating new tech projects in 48 hours. This is a free hackathon, so don't worry about the accommodation, food and drinks. That's on us!

Hello There. This is CodeX.

JUNE 17-19, 2O22




CodeX is an international hackathon and tech community. The CodeX hackathon is centered around collaborating and creating with technology.

CodeX hackathon is also for beginners, so if you are into tech, this is the place to be – a full weekend of hacking with hundreds of other tech-heads in an atmosphere and spirit like no other.

Happening simultaneously both virtually and physically in Riga, Latvia, CodeX will gather more than 3OO participants from all across Europe.

 ⟶ April 28 

Applications open

 ⟶ JUNE 10 

Applications close

 ⟶ JUNE 17-19 

48h Hackathon



The hackathon is divided into challenges based on different industries and themes.

You will have a chance to play around cutting-edge technologies, including crypto, AR, 3D modeling and more.





15:OO Arrivals

16:OO Registration

17:OO Matchmaking

18:OO Official Opening

19:OO Team Formation final call

2O:OO Dinner

21:OO Mentor check-ins

22:OO Night Run Games




O9:OO Breakfast
1O:OO Mentor check-in
11:OO Keynotes & workshops
14:OO Lunch
16:OO Meetings & Matchmaking
2O:OO Dinner
21:OO Mentor check-ins
22:OO After-hours Activity




O9:OO Breakfast
1O:OO Mentor check-in
12:OO Final submissions
12:OO Partner keynotes

13:OO Lunch

14:OO Track Winner announcement
15:OO Demo presentations

16:OO Partner keynotes
18:OO Awards Ceremony
19:OO Goodbyes & Networking

Anchor 1


The bright new premises of Riga Technical University on the green riverside will become a bustling center of technology.

We have something for every skill set and interest, so do not hesitate to explore and get new experiences by participating.


The participants for Codex hackathon 2022 are selected from applications. Participation for qualifying applicants is free. Multiple factors are taken into account in the application process: we mainly focus on the applicants’ skills and motivation. We value diverse skill sets and backgrounds, within teams and within the whole participant pool.

You can apply with a team or by yourself, but all team members must apply and be accepted as well. We also make sure to help you find a buddy or two at the event, if you need.


 → Backend 
 → Frontend 
 → Mobile 
 → Full stack 
 → Research 
 → Product 
 → UX/UI 
 → IoT 
 → & more 


  • What is HackCodeX hackathon?
    HackCodeX is an on-site hackathon where programmers, designers, and tech enthusiasts collaborate on exciting challenges and compete in teams. The weekend-long informal gathering will be held at the heart of the Baltics, in Riga, Latvia. It’s partly laid-back party, partly race-the-clock intense competition to find the most talented coding team of all!
  • When and where will HackCodeX 2023 take place?
    The HackCodeX hackathon will take place June 3–5 and it will be hosted in Riga, Latvia in a beautiful venue Hanzas Perons. The hacking, coding, networking and sleeping (if any) will be announced shortly!
  • What's the application process for HackCodeX?
    You can apply to the event here, on HackCodeX website. We will review your application and check that you are a real person and elligable for participation. Your application will be reviewed within a week and we will let you know if you are confirmed. The event is open for anyone over 18 to apply, however, as places for the on-site event are limited, we will give preference to participants with coding experience on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • Who can participate in the HackCodeX hackathon?
    Everybody is welcome to join! No matter if you are an entrepreneur, a professional or a student. You don’t neccessarely have to be a software developer and you certainly don’t have to be majoring in Computer Science to join (but devs will have preference, though). You do have to be over 18 and have the necessary documents to travel to Riga, though.
  • Do I need my own team for the hackathon?
    You can come individually or with an already established team, but all team members must apply and be accepted as well. Moreover, we will host a team matchmaking - so no need to worry if you don't have a team, you'll be able to find one onsite! The team should consist of 1 to 5 people, we suggest having a minimum of 3 people in a team. All team members must be accepted to the hackathon and be at least 18 years of age.
  • How to win the hackathon?
    Glad you asked! Easy, by hacking, duh! There are two ways to win the HackCodex hackathon - either you are the best in your challenge (chosen by the challenge partner) or you are the main winner of the hack. To choose top 5 teams the peer review system will be used - then, you pitch it.
  • What are the prizes?
    Main prize for the hackathon winning team will be announced shortly! In addition to the main prize, the challenge partners give out individual prizes to the best ideas in each challenge.
  • Does it cost to attend?
    Haha, no! The event is free of charge for all participants. Moreover, we will ensure food & drinks. That's what makes it so amazing (did we mention places are first come-first serve)?
  • Will there be an accommodation?
    For the best hacking experience on-site, there will be a dedicated sleeping area at the venue. What to bring with you for accommodation? Warm clothes A sleeping bag Warm stockings Toiletries A towel Other things that can make your stay comfortable We are providing: Sleeping mats! It will be possible to sleep there only the nights between Saturday and Sunday, and Sunday and Monday. If you plan to come to Latvia earlier, you must find other sleeping arrangements. Keep up with HackCodeX Discord platform! The organizers will share the best deals for hostels, hotels and Airbnb's around the hackathon venue.
  • Schedule
    February 21 ▩ applications open March 1 ▩ matchmaking on Discord starts May TBA ▩ challenge partner side event May 22 ▩ applications close June 3–5 ▩ HackCodeX 2023 hack time!
  • How do challenges work?
    You arrive on Saturday, find your team and get to work on one of the several challenges put together by HackCodeX partners. You are free to choose the challenge you want to compete in.
  • What about participating in multiple challenges?
    Nope. Choose one!
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