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Identify each individual note accurately by listening to these notes being played real-time

In a Guitar Signal Pitch Tracking Challenge, you will create a software solution that can accurately detect and track the pitch of multiple guitar notes played simultaneously. The goal of the hackathon is to create a software algorithm that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to achieve this pitch tracking. The algorithm should be able to listen to the guitar sounds and determine the specific notes being played in real-time. The challenge is to:

Understand polyphonic guitar signal pitch tracking: When someone plays a guitar, they can produce multiple notes at the same time.


The challenge is to develop a system that can listen to these notes being played and identify each individual note accurately.

  • Demonstrate it: You will showcase your solutions by using pre-recorded guitar audio samples or by connecting a guitar to a computer for real-time testing. This demonstration will help validate the effectiveness of their algorithm and allow others to observe how well it tracks the pitches of the guitar notes.

  • Find the best approach: Experiment with different versions or settings of their algorithm. You will create comparison plots or visualizations to showcase the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. This will help fine-tune your algorithms to achieve better accuracy in identifying the guitar notes. One of the main objectives is to make sure that the software algorithm can provide the pitch information as quickly as possible, with a maximum delay of 20 milliseconds. Lower delay times are preferred because they allow for more responsive and real-time pitch tracking. The algorithm’s output can be visualized as a graph showing the changes in pitch over time.

  • Explore Different Approaches: Investigate various techniques to analyze the guitar sounds and extract meaningful information for pitch tracking. This could involve looking at the timing, frequency content, or other characteristics of the sound. By comparing these different approaches, participants can determine which method works best for accurately detecting the guitar notes.

Who we are 🙌


World of innovative guitar effects and music technology!

Today we have an abundance of musical tools and devices, and yet here at Gamechanger Audio, we've always been convinced that there are still many undiscovered electronic ideas and musical instruments out there in the ether, just waiting to be brought to life.

That is why we gave ourselves the bold name “Gamechanger Audio” - so it serves as a constant reminder that each new product is a challenge to create something that’s never been done before.

We started out in 2015 with an idea to build a piano-style sustain pedal for guitars and all melodic instruments, and over the years, Gamechanger Audio has become one of the most standout brands in the industry.

What we’ll provide ⚙️

Gamechanger Audio will provide:

  • Mentorship

  • Technical assistance

  • Sound examples

  • Monophonic test (Left channel is input signal)



Polyphonic test

Feel free to include additional test sounds for measurements and improvements.


Judging criteria 🔍



Does it work? Can it be implemented? Can it be maintained?



How innovative / creative / unique is the idea? Was there a novel approach applied to solve the problem?


Technical Excellence

Is the project technically impressive? How technically elegant is the solution?


Future Potential

Was it clear how the output could be taken forward in the future? Were ideas of future steps provided? Was it sheer fun, or did the idea show usefulness in the long term?



How well the idea and prototype are communicated to the audience?



Prizes 🏆


Gamechanger Audio products, merch and some tasty goods from Riga

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